Baby Brother on the Way

     I am so excited for Grayson to be a big brother!  I've been worried since sometimes he can get a little crazy, as do all boys I suppose.  But this past week I was so relieved!  He woke up from his nap on Thursday (same day I turned 34 weeks) and insisted of rocking Elmo to sleep.  "Rock Baby" is his version of "rock-a-bye baby..."  Grayson brought me a blanket then Elmo and said his ever so cute "Rock Baby" until I caught on that I was supposed to swaddle Elmo and sing the lullaby.  And yes, when the swaddling came undone, I had to re-do it perfectly.  I think this little monster of ours is going to make a great big brother!  While playing this (with any doll - as it is now a favorite) he is very gentle and scolds Lola if she is too loud or gets too close.  He sure keeps me laughing.

     And here is the 34 week belly (and new haircut).  

I am surviving, but while taking this the back of my head I was hoping it would be the last one.  Yes it's true, I kinda hope he comes a little early since I am pretty uncomfortable.  Baby boy kicks like crazy when I have to carry Grayson, or lay down, or bend over, or...the list goes on.  So I'd be ok with an early debut.  But considering that Grayson was 6 days late (induced) I have a feeling I'm in this for the long haul.


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