I'm the Baddest One
The title of this blog is courtesy of my cousin Kristen, well not exactly. I've always heard a funny quote from her that she was "the maddest one." I thought of it when we went to the dog park yesterday. Lola is such an embarasment, she is a wonderful and loving dog when we are at home and when we go for walks and such. However when we get within range of the dog park and there are other dogs in sight she turns evil. We literally cleared out the dog park last night. There were 5 or so dogs when we arrived, and within minutes we were alone, why does our dog have to be aggressive when she is off a leash and around other dogs. I so want to be able to take Lola to the dog park because I know she loves running around! We are now looking into shock collars, we are out of ideas for our "baddest" one!
I've mentioned before just how awesome Grayson is at turning pages. We finally captured video of our little genius eagerly turning the pages of "Brown Bear Brown Bear, What Do You See?" He does this with almost any book we read! He especially loves the books that have different textures in them. It's so funny to see how he opens and closes his hands since he doesn't have total control. He is always so excited to feel the rough and smooth textures.
While sitting in his highchair Grayson is usually right next to the dining table. He has discovered that he can reach over and grab the dining chair and pull and release it to make it thud against the table and ground. He loves making this loud noise...so now I move his highchair to the middle of the kitchen to feed him. Such a silly boy, he just can't get enough.
As anyone who has a baby knows...they get into everything! Here are some pictures that prove our little monster is all over the place:
Clearly we need that gate at the bottom of the stairs, with out it he'd be halfway up! |
Grayson's new favorite thing is to open the TV cabinet and scatter the DVD cases and XBox cases all over the living room. This picture is before all of that nonsense. |
This is my latest work-out regimen, I have started to buy bulk block cheese, then shred/slice by hand. This is only about half of what I shredded for dinner a few nights ago, and it was quite a work-out!
Derek has spent much time working on his new truck, and has loved every minute of it. The door locks are bullets, which he is very proud of! He was also given a radio to put into it from a guy at work. They spent several hours working on it this past Sunday and finally finished putting it in! He is super excited to be able to listen to radio. He proudly had Grayson come out to hear his working radio that night. Grayson really enjoyed driving! Couldn't resist the photo-op.
Bath-time fun! The letters are always a hit with Grayson, he hates getting out of the bath and usually fusses until we start stories. He would much rather stay prune-y!