Homeschooling and Loving It...Mostly

     Well...we're at it again.  Starting our fourth year of homeschooling!  I am unbelievably blessed to be Mom to these two boys and to get to inspire and teach them.  Some days, we may be a little light on the inspiring, as we survive this crazy parenting season.  Raising boys is no joke!

     Wearing many hats has its moments of beauty and those of frustration.  I love that as a family we get to explore science and history together and delve deeper into things the boys are interested in.  I am thankful that they are (mostly) motivated learners, and have such a spark of curiosity.  Now...ask them to write a paragraph or *gasp* thank you note, and all bets are off.  They want to explore and are great with hands-on, but the more traditional stuff is still a struggle.  I think in large part because they have to slow down for it.  But not to worry, we still do those things too, it's just hard for these boys to want to sit still and focus.  Some moments we have to just push through, and it's not all fun and games, but the extra bike riding or park time is worth it.

     Homeschooling is such a journey, I learn things every day.  I learn what is motivating to my kids, I learn what makes their brains tick, I learn how to better approach a subject, I learn what makes them laugh, I learn some of the things that never stuck for me in school over again too.  And the best part is that we have the freedom to enjoy all those things.  I used to look forward to the days that my kids would both be in school, and I would have the freedom to clean the house in quiet, catch up on laundry, sit in a cute Italian cafe alone and enjoy a cappuccino.  But now...I can't imagine missing out on the lightbulb moments, getting to experience their joy as they learn something new, or test out a theory of theirs.  I am incredibly blessed to have the opportunity to stick with these kiddos, and wouldn't trade a minute of it.


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