I just have to tell you about the commissary, which I love! They have the greatest bread, it's made here in Utah, and it's huge!!! The loaves are so fresh, and they have a great honey flavor! It's been great shopping there, and I know it's so much cheaper than grocery shopping ever was back home.
I also have to admit that I found out my problem with finding our mailbox. The mailboxes that we've had in the past at our different addresses in San Antonio had some that were shared with several houses. These are just like that, it's 12 to 16 boxes in one, but they face the back (like you have to stand in the grass to get your mail.) So the other day when I went out, I was looking for box 16, and was foolishly trying to open it from the mail man's side. I felt really stupid when I realized that today. However, I still walked up and down three streets looking for the right one. Lucky me...none worked. I finally gave up and knocked on our neighbors door to ask. She was very nice, come to find out their son (17) months old is also named Grayson! We got a good laugh at that! I think we will be going for walks, hopefully in the near future seeing as she is a stay at home mom as well.
Yesterday was the first that Grayson pulled up on anything. We were sitting on the couch eating dinner, and of course Grayson decided he wanted some chili. So he crawled over and Duffy reached down, when he did, Grayson immediately grabbed on and pulled himself up to a standing position. Not only that, but he is starting to crawl very fast! I'm kinda having a hard time getting anything done, while also keeping an eye on him! Any mother, I'm sure, understands this! Then this evening, after I thought I had put him down for his nap, we could hear a little rustling on the monitor so Derek went upstairs to see if he was awake. Sure enough, someone was standing proud and tall in his crib! So it seems it is time to lower the mattress!
I'm still working on some before and after photos of the house, hopefully to come in the next day or two. Please excuse any boxes!