Derek's First Day
We came in on Monday evening and got situated in temporary housing, which I'm pretty sure is nicer than the actual housing, ha ha. So I'd better be careful and not get too comfortable. They had assigned us a house number, but when we drove past and looked at it the backyard has a huge downward hill. When we went to the housing office to check in with them, I brought it up since Grayson will be playing in the backyard pretty soon, and I would not want to find him fallen down the hill pinned against the chain-link fence. She understood my concern, and gave us a few other house numbers that are available. So we drove around and looked at these options, and essentially got to choose. I never in a million years thought that would happen! Then house we picked has an amazing view of the mountains, and is a much better brick color than the other. We will do a maintenance walk through hopefully tomorrow, then be in the house.
Today was also Derek's first day on the job, which is three miles away but still on base (just to give you an idea of how big this place is). He met his supervisor who he really likes, and mostly went to briefings all day. They have several series of briefings that are mandatory when you get to a new base. So they were essentially the same things he went through at basic and tech school, and will go through every time we are stationed somewhere new. He took me to the area where he will be working, which looks like a bunch of hills because they are many small rooms that are covered by earth. They have at least two feet of soil on every side, and are pretty close together. They are lined up in rows, and there must be a hundred of them! We couldn't get very close as they are in a gated section of the base that is guarded.
I had a pretty uneventful day, unless you think sleep is exciting. Grayson and I both have colds, so both times he took a nap I did as well. He officially hates me now that I follow him around with a tissue to clean his nose. However I did get to go to the commissary where I bought some frozen meals and milk. We have some basic kitchen essentials, but not really enough to cook a meal so frozen will have to do. I did pick up some fresh veggies though, so I could feel somewhat healthy. Since Derek had the car today and we didn't have room in the car for our stroller, I left the commissary with Grayson in one arm, and two bags on the other. I'm pretty sure I looked silly walking down the street to our place. Walking through a crosswalk I passed a man in uniform, and he did a double take. I think he was checking if I was going to drop anything. Luckily I made it home, and now Derek is back at the commissary, because I forgot to pick up any medicine.
Thanks everyone for all the prayers! Things have really gone more smoothly than I had imagined, God has really provided for our every need, and I know he will continue to do so! Now I just need to meet people, so as soon as we're in the house, and have our stroller, I will be taking advantage of all the beautiful walking trails they have, and hopefully meet some moms doing the same.
I had a pretty uneventful day, unless you think sleep is exciting. Grayson and I both have colds, so both times he took a nap I did as well. He officially hates me now that I follow him around with a tissue to clean his nose. However I did get to go to the commissary where I bought some frozen meals and milk. We have some basic kitchen essentials, but not really enough to cook a meal so frozen will have to do. I did pick up some fresh veggies though, so I could feel somewhat healthy. Since Derek had the car today and we didn't have room in the car for our stroller, I left the commissary with Grayson in one arm, and two bags on the other. I'm pretty sure I looked silly walking down the street to our place. Walking through a crosswalk I passed a man in uniform, and he did a double take. I think he was checking if I was going to drop anything. Luckily I made it home, and now Derek is back at the commissary, because I forgot to pick up any medicine.
Thanks everyone for all the prayers! Things have really gone more smoothly than I had imagined, God has really provided for our every need, and I know he will continue to do so! Now I just need to meet people, so as soon as we're in the house, and have our stroller, I will be taking advantage of all the beautiful walking trails they have, and hopefully meet some moms doing the same.