The Art of BBQ-ing
Derek heard from a guy he works with that you are only allowed to use propane grills in military housing. This was going to be a problem, since we have a nice smoker that does not use propane. So I decided to call and make sure. I asked, "so you can't use anything other than propane?" The lady responded, "what else is there?" I couldn't believe it, so I explained that we use charcoal and wood chips ect. She put me on hold to ask someone else, and when she came back she informed me that they've never had anyone use anything other than propane, and they have that rule so people don't just start random fires to BBQ over. She said it would be allowed as long as we didn't put any live coals into our trash can, haha silly northerners!
Today I was working on uploading some pictures to photobucket when I looked over and saw Grayson making an interesting face while playing in the walker. It was hysterical, but I couldn't help but wonder what I would find once he finished. Lately he has gone pro in the diaper department. Almost every time he poops it's a blowout, and today was no exception! I am doing so much poopie laundry, it's unbelievable! Anyone know any magical secrets for getting out those horrible stains? I'm already using some laundry spray, but it doesn't always work.
I have spent much more time than I had expected on folding and organizing Grayson's clothes. When I had just gotten home from the hospital, Granny was awesome and helped me to sort through, label and neatly fold all the clothes we had been given. Then, as Grayson outgrew his clothes, I did the same and put them folded nicely into boxes. Thank you awesome movers/packers for unpacking, unfolding, and throwing all of these clothes into different boxes. I spent several hours up in Grayson's room re-doing all of this! GRRRR!
Grayson has made it a habit of napping very seldom! But when he does, it is a joyous occasion! I have learned to maximize the time I do get with naps, and it's great. Since Grayson has been born, I'm really enjoying being a "Suzy Homemaker." I have had a blast making baby food, and trying out all kinds of baking recipe's. This is a little dorky, but Derek helped me put a small clothes line in the backyard. We are planning to make a more permanent one along the back fence in the next week or so. It's a little dorky, but we've always wanted fresh smelling clothes, and at this house, we don't really have any way to hang up clothes inside so it's the perfect excuse!
There are lots of things that are different here, but many that remind me of home. I thought we would have nothing familiar, such as stores or restaurants. The little town of Layton (the closest one to us) is tiny, so I expected to be stranded out in the boonies. Now that we've had time to explore we've found lots of restaurants and stores we love, as well as some new ones we're fans of. Famous Dave's has great Bar-B-Que! Even a great "Texas Pit" sauce! The new place we discovered, which is awesome is Rooster's! Gourmet food, at a great price! We went there in the first week of arriving, and I have to be honest, I've been thinking about it ever since, haha. I never thought I'd do this, but the next time we go there to eat, I think I'll take a picture! One thing I do still miss is HEB, just the ease of it. They have everything, especially my favorite diaper cream, Dr. Smiths which is not even available here.
Another big change, we bought a new truck! Not actually new, but new to us. In fact, not so new at all, it's a 1993 Dodge. Blue, which ironically matches the Matrix. It's going to be great, this way Derek will be able to drive to work, and I'll also get to go to the library for story hour with Grayson. This comes as a huge relief, it has been such a pain to be stuck at home all the time. There are so many places I'd love to go with Grayson, and now we'll have the opportunity.
He is getting better and better at crawling, which is bad news for me. I kid, but really it's awesome to see how he is changing! Grayson sits up from a crawling position, and he pulls up on just about everything. The coupons I thought were safe on the table, were soon being eaten and torn. Nothing is safe from this little monster, haha. I really can't describe it, he's everywhere!
The one thing I probably hate the most is that the house has a vent that is close to the floor, that is also where they have smoke detectors installed. I don't understand the reasoning for placing them so low, but I can think if about 10 good reasons they should be higher! The first being Grayson! He hasn't pushed the button on the smoke detectors yet, but I'm just waiting for it to happen. I'm worried that the loud noise will scare him, but can't figure anything out to cover them up.
In the past week or so, I've been uncomfortable taking a shower when home alone, for fear that I'd come out and find Grayson at the middle landing of the stairs. Quite a nightmare, so Derek installed a gate at the top of the stairs. He did a great job, minus putting in a few extra holes, it wasn't quite as easy as one would expect.
As you can see, he is literally into everything. I just love that in the picture on the right his legs are spread so far apart!
Here is the grand tour of Grayson's room:
Also, Grayson had one of many falls to come. His cry is very different when he's really upset, and not just fussy which is the usual cry we hear. It's a heartbreaking sound and is horribly sad, but I've heard him cry like that a few times while Derek was gone. I was upstairs working in Grayson's room while Derek was watching him downstairs. Grayson was getting sleepy and ready for a nap, which also means he is clumsy. He fell, and Derek rushed him upstairs. It didn't take much to get Grayson calmed down, but Daddy on the other hand took it very hard. All is well, not even a bruise or scratch! I think it's true when parent's always say, "this hurts me more than it hurts you," but I will still try to refrain from using the phrase when Grayson is older.
Much Love!!!
Today I was working on uploading some pictures to photobucket when I looked over and saw Grayson making an interesting face while playing in the walker. It was hysterical, but I couldn't help but wonder what I would find once he finished. Lately he has gone pro in the diaper department. Almost every time he poops it's a blowout, and today was no exception! I am doing so much poopie laundry, it's unbelievable! Anyone know any magical secrets for getting out those horrible stains? I'm already using some laundry spray, but it doesn't always work.
I have spent much more time than I had expected on folding and organizing Grayson's clothes. When I had just gotten home from the hospital, Granny was awesome and helped me to sort through, label and neatly fold all the clothes we had been given. Then, as Grayson outgrew his clothes, I did the same and put them folded nicely into boxes. Thank you awesome movers/packers for unpacking, unfolding, and throwing all of these clothes into different boxes. I spent several hours up in Grayson's room re-doing all of this! GRRRR!
There are lots of things that are different here, but many that remind me of home. I thought we would have nothing familiar, such as stores or restaurants. The little town of Layton (the closest one to us) is tiny, so I expected to be stranded out in the boonies. Now that we've had time to explore we've found lots of restaurants and stores we love, as well as some new ones we're fans of. Famous Dave's has great Bar-B-Que! Even a great "Texas Pit" sauce! The new place we discovered, which is awesome is Rooster's! Gourmet food, at a great price! We went there in the first week of arriving, and I have to be honest, I've been thinking about it ever since, haha. I never thought I'd do this, but the next time we go there to eat, I think I'll take a picture! One thing I do still miss is HEB, just the ease of it. They have everything, especially my favorite diaper cream, Dr. Smiths which is not even available here.

The one thing I probably hate the most is that the house has a vent that is close to the floor, that is also where they have smoke detectors installed. I don't understand the reasoning for placing them so low, but I can think if about 10 good reasons they should be higher! The first being Grayson! He hasn't pushed the button on the smoke detectors yet, but I'm just waiting for it to happen. I'm worried that the loud noise will scare him, but can't figure anything out to cover them up.
As you can see, he is literally into everything. I just love that in the picture on the right his legs are spread so far apart!
Here is the grand tour of Grayson's room:
closet door to hallway |
the door is just to the left |
Moving clockwise around the room. (I'm still engineering a way to decorate with the monkies!) |
I'm not totally sure I'm happy with this arrangement but it makes for the most play space! |
Much Love!!!
Btw-Propane?!? Sounds like Hank Hill has made his mark there....
Jerry (the Koach for the ID), Loretta & Brittany