Home Sweet Home
Saturday morning Derek and I went to the gym they have on base for families with children. Inside the workout rooms they have a gated area with toys and such for the kids to play in where you can keep an eye on them. It was great, minus our bad timing. We didn't realize it until we were already there, but Grayson got ready for his nap a little early so we didn't get to stay as long as we would have liked. Did still get in a nice workout though, then I went into the womens locker room to change him before we left where a mom and her son were getting ready to leave. It was hysterical...Grayson being tired was crying very loudly, and the poor little boy couldn't stand it (probably 4 years old). I can just barely hear them over the crying, and the mom is reassuring the boy that it's normal for babies to cry, "you used to cry like that all the time." The boy paused for a few seconds then said, "Mommy, please don't get a baby." I almost started laughing right there! Grayson stopped as soon as he was vertical again, and we left. Kids really do say the darn-est things!
I would like the world to know that I worked long and hard at arranging this wall decor. I couldn't decide for the longest time what I wanted hanging there, pictures or crosses...
The house is coming along, and looking more and more like home!
In the past week or so, whenever Grayson gets his diaper changed while in a good mood (not ready for a nap) he kicks like there's no tomorrow. He won't stop for anything, which makes it very difficult to get a fresh diaper on. He's smiling the whole time, and just loves when I talk to him and sweetly scold him at this time, he thinks it's great. Grayson has also started to push himself up and down in his highchair while eating. He only does this when he really likes the food, so if he's eating acorn squash which he doesn't love but willingly eats, then when he gets a bite of cereal he bobs up and down, then stops when it's a bite of squash. I love watching this process, it's adorable.
Grayson discovered that he can hide behind the couch on Friday...I was putting away lunch dishes in the kitchen, and stepped back into the room to find this. Luckily the pac'n'play is right there so he can't actually get behind it. Mischevious little boy!
He gets a bath three times a week, and sometimes Derek jumps in with him. Of course last week Grayson pooped in the tub with daddy too. I thought it was hysterical, Derek however did not. He makes the cutest noises, including a hooting noise that I can not get on camera. This is his most frequent babbling noise, though he makes many different sounds now!
I couldn't resist posting this video, hope you enjoy it!