Grayson has started to interact with himself more in the mirror. He has always been interested in his reflection, but hasn't really known what to think. I had him up on the counter this past week and he just kept leaning forward to get closer. I put him right up next to it and he leaned in, opened his mouth and "kissed himself." Immediately pulling back unsure what to think of this strange, cold person; sure enough he leaned in again doing the same thing. I tease that he's kissing himself, it's just so funny. Very sweet, and now he wants to do this every time he passes a mirror.
We got a box of clothes from some friends on Friday and I sorted though them, leaving the box empty in the middle of the living room floor. Grayson started to play with it and push could tell that this was clearly the greatest toy invented in his mind. Once he had it up against the bookshelf he stood up on it, now this story takes a turn for the worse...he pushed on the middle and pushed all the way though. I hear a strange rustling type noise and I look up to find that he is head first in the box with his butt and feet hanging out. He thought it was fun, and was smiling as I picked him up, silly boy. The bad part is that as soon as I had picked him up I wanted to re-enact it to get a picture, haha. It was just so cute, but don't worry I'm not that mean, unfortunately that means no cute picture.
Derek went fishing very early on Saturday morning, and the views were stunning. No catches, but he had fun getting out and using his float tube!
Here is the pork Derek slaved over yummy and covered in pepper! |
Grayson was totally entertained playing through the window with Daddy while he cooked. (That is Lola's nose art on the window) |
We have discovered a few more teeth that will be coming in soon. His two top teeth buds are showing, which usually means the teeth are soon to follow. We are keeping a close eye on them, as he already has a mean bite and can hurt a finger with only bottom teeth. Once he has his top chompers as well, there will be no stopping him.
Below are some pictures immediately following his bath. Derek combed his hair into a cute little
mow-hawk. I couldn't resist the pictures, he is just always in such a good mood after his bath!