This is us playing Pat-A-Cake |
I have heard one particular version of "Pat-A-Cake" all my life, but now that Grayson has a toy that plays the song I realize that it's wrong, haha. I teased my mom and grandma about this 'made up version' of theirs, and now Grayson likes that more than the 'real' version. Any time he is inconsolable, simply singing and moving his hands or feet to the song makes him smile. I don't know what it is about waving his hands around, or eating them at the end of the song but it seems to be magic!
Grayson is such a boy, that is the only explanation for why he is already obsessed with farting noises! He makes these obscene noises with just his mouth, with his hands, and when he gets bored with that he uses our arms or legs. We think it's pretty funny too, but it's just so cute to see his reaction when he hears the farting noise. My favorite is when I'm sitting on the floor petting Lola, and Grayson crawls over to "fart" on my arm then giggle. What a cute little stinker!

Another odd thing about Utah, there are seagulls everywhere! I don't get it, there is even a bookstore called Seagulls Books. They seem a little out of place, don't they know they're SEAgulls?
So Grayson and I were playing the other day zerberting his toes, and I said "doesn't he just have the cutest feet!" Derek responded, "cute little stinky feet." Sure enough, I had never noticed it before but they do have a hit of feet smell. They don't exactly stink, they're just a cute stink if that's possible.
Another new thing is speed crawling...when he sees something he really wants he crawls so fast! Sometimes when I lay on the floor he does this, or when he sees that we have food, sweet and talented speed crawler!
Attack Mommy! This is after he speed crawled across the living room. |
I wondered about those beehives, too...
xoxoxoxoto u all. Miss you!