Two Little Teeth!
This week has flown by! It seems like I haven't even had time to blink, but Grayson is so much fun! He has changed quite a bit this week, he has greatly improved on crawling but now he is also able to pivot. For example he enjoys following Lola around, she's a pretty good sport about it but she keeps him moving. Anytime he gets too close, she moves to another area. So Grayson is crawling just as fast as he can to catch her, then all of a sudden he notices she isn't there (he can't exactly keep an eye on where he wants to go, he's usually looking down.) He pushes back, sits down then pivots on his knees to change direction! This is talent! As I'm sure most of you saw on facebook, he also doesn't like to put his knees on the linolium. Instead he walks on his hands and feet. It is the cutest thing, but I'm not quite sure if that counts as crawling. We have recently introduced a sippy cup with water on a regular basis. He hasn't quite mastered drinking more than a few drops but he really enjoys carrying it around in his mouth when he crawls. I'm sure the rubber feels good since he is teething, but it's mostly just adorable!
Follow up on the baby gate and showering...I've found a fantastic solution! Grayson doesn't really watch TV so in the past when he watched Baby Einstein videos he was easily distracted, but now that he is more observant, he really likes the one we have. When I need to get ready in the mornings I just pop in the video (32 min) and have just enough time to get ready. This is wonderful, because he sits in the walker and is fully entertained by the video and has a few toys on the walker to keep his hands busy. YAY!
Bedtime has become more of a chore lately, since Grayson has figured out that we always end with the same book. "The Going to Bed Book" by Sandra Boynton, it's a great one! We read 3-4 other books, always different ones, then we end with that one. During bedtime stories, he is always so helpful and he turns each page when I tap it. I've always gotten a kick out of this, but now when we get to "The Going to Bed Book," he instantly gets fussy and refuses to turn the pages. Sometimes he even tries to turn back to the cover of the book. We push through and finish the book and then wrap him up for bed, once he is wrapped he is perfectly happy again. He cracks me up!
The past few days when I've left the house, it has been specifically to find green beans. The commissary has great produce in general, but the green beans are never fresh and always look pathetic. Grayson really likes green beans, and I don't want him eating only orange foods as that can cause their noses and ears to turn orange (believe it!). So I've been on the hunt for fresh and appealing green beans, but to no avail! GRRR! I need to find them! It's kind of a silly thing to be shopping around for, but I am. I don't really know of any main grocery stores here, so all I've found is small little shops.
This weekend our goal is to finish unpacking, we still have some boxes that go on the bookshelves. The real pain is the little stuff that I just need to figure out what to do with! Also, Derek hasn't even started in the garage, other than taking out some base essentials to hang up pictures and such. So that is a huge project in itself, along with getting caught up on laundry. Maybe next weekend we will finally have time to go to the base museum which is huge and looks awesome!
To fully appreciate the following pictures, you must know just how much work went into getting them!!!
The first one is just funny, but didn't quite capture what we were going for...
Bedtime has become more of a chore lately, since Grayson has figured out that we always end with the same book. "The Going to Bed Book" by Sandra Boynton, it's a great one! We read 3-4 other books, always different ones, then we end with that one. During bedtime stories, he is always so helpful and he turns each page when I tap it. I've always gotten a kick out of this, but now when we get to "The Going to Bed Book," he instantly gets fussy and refuses to turn the pages. Sometimes he even tries to turn back to the cover of the book. We push through and finish the book and then wrap him up for bed, once he is wrapped he is perfectly happy again. He cracks me up!
The past few days when I've left the house, it has been specifically to find green beans. The commissary has great produce in general, but the green beans are never fresh and always look pathetic. Grayson really likes green beans, and I don't want him eating only orange foods as that can cause their noses and ears to turn orange (believe it!). So I've been on the hunt for fresh and appealing green beans, but to no avail! GRRR! I need to find them! It's kind of a silly thing to be shopping around for, but I am. I don't really know of any main grocery stores here, so all I've found is small little shops.
This weekend our goal is to finish unpacking, we still have some boxes that go on the bookshelves. The real pain is the little stuff that I just need to figure out what to do with! Also, Derek hasn't even started in the garage, other than taking out some base essentials to hang up pictures and such. So that is a huge project in itself, along with getting caught up on laundry. Maybe next weekend we will finally have time to go to the base museum which is huge and looks awesome!
To fully appreciate the following pictures, you must know just how much work went into getting them!!!
The first one is just funny, but didn't quite capture what we were going for...
Look closely, you can see his two teeth!