Check out WIC?
WIC (Women, Infants & Children) is a government funded program that provides pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and young children with basic foods. I've heard of this program before, and naively wrote it off because "it was for poor people." It's pretty ironic that I now love this program and am writing about it here.
I recently enrolled in this program, and am slowly realizing just how useful this is. It covers many of our regular grocery items, and I would love to pass some of these benefits on so that more people know about this great program. We qualify for some benefits but not the maximum amount, so I know that many people qualify. You should especially look into it if you are currently a stay at home mom, or only have one income.
This list is just to give you an idea of what you can get. Each month we qualify for:
2 dozen eggs
some cereal
4 canned beans
6 dozen gallons of milk (which doesn't even make a dent in what we go through)
6 cans of fish either salmon or tuna
3 cartons of juice
60 jars of baby food (fruit/veggie)
31 jars of meat baby food
3 boxes of baby cereal
$10 worth of fresh fruits and veggies
1 loaf of bread
1 lb. bulk cheese
peanut butter.
Granted, all of these foods have to be the selected/approved brand is free! This really adds up, and is a great money saver month to month. If you're interested in applying for WIC, simply find your state's website here.
I recently enrolled in this program, and am slowly realizing just how useful this is. It covers many of our regular grocery items, and I would love to pass some of these benefits on so that more people know about this great program. We qualify for some benefits but not the maximum amount, so I know that many people qualify. You should especially look into it if you are currently a stay at home mom, or only have one income.
This list is just to give you an idea of what you can get. Each month we qualify for:
2 dozen eggs
some cereal
4 canned beans
6 dozen gallons of milk (which doesn't even make a dent in what we go through)
6 cans of fish either salmon or tuna
3 cartons of juice
60 jars of baby food (fruit/veggie)
31 jars of meat baby food
3 boxes of baby cereal
$10 worth of fresh fruits and veggies
1 loaf of bread
1 lb. bulk cheese
peanut butter.
Granted, all of these foods have to be the selected/approved brand is free! This really adds up, and is a great money saver month to month. If you're interested in applying for WIC, simply find your state's website here.