Sticky Situations...
We've had a very eventful week, but a ridiculously crazy day! Today started out great with waking up early, doing laundry, and lots of cleaning. However, while Derek was home for lunch Grayson somehow got a hold of some super glue while we were eating. I'm honestly not sure how he could have gotten the glue off of the window seal, which he can't even reach. This little boy is very much his father's son! Into everything, just like daddy.
We caught Grayson early, before any was ingested...but not early enough to avoid a big mess. His right hand was by far the most glue covered, his pinky and ring fingers were completely attached, and his thumb was also smushed onto his palm. After ensuring that the glue was not ingested and is non-toxic, we dipped his hand in warm soapy water at first, then read that you should wipe with nail polish (which I frantically ran to find, only to realize that the movers hadn't packed it since it was open). Derek ran to a friend's house who luckily had some and were kind enough to let us use it! So Grayson had an extra bath in the middle of the day so he was distracted while we scrubbed his hand.
Luckily I learned that super glue beads up as soon as it touches saliva, which makes it very difficult to consume. Talking to Poison Control made me feel much better, and I now know that the glue that still remains on his hand, and leg will fall off and have no adverse effect on my little monster! I'm still waiting to see if he will throw up at all, but so far we're all clear.
So, If you've ever wondered what happens when you eat super glue, the result is pleasantly...just about nothing!
Luckily I learned that super glue beads up as soon as it touches saliva, which makes it very difficult to consume. Talking to Poison Control made me feel much better, and I now know that the glue that still remains on his hand, and leg will fall off and have no adverse effect on my little monster! I'm still waiting to see if he will throw up at all, but so far we're all clear.
So, If you've ever wondered what happens when you eat super glue, the result is pleasantly...just about nothing!