Experimenting with Foods
We have been giving Grayson a much larger variety of foods to eat, and he is doing well with all of them! He loves squishing and throwing (which I'm not a huge fan of) these taste testers.
He hasn't ever really fed himself from a container, just from the tray on his high-chair. Well yesterday, I let him have at the empty bowl and spoon after lunch, and he was pretty good. I was so surprised that he could get the spoon into his own mouth, such dexterity. Also he used it as a drum and really liked the noise he made when he set it down. (You know what I'm talking about, like how a hula hoop doesn't just lay flat, it kinda rocks around until it finally stops. There should be a word for that!)
Chewing on his bib.
He loves to pull his bib off while eating, I think he must be amused by the texture of the Velcro.
Our little monster makes quite the mess...I should take a picture of the floor when he's done...hahaha.