Keep Those Teeth Sparkly

     Grayson loves brushing his teeth, especially when he gets to do the brushing.  Letting me brush them though is another story...  Luckily I've started making him let me brush first, then giving him the toothbrush to hold, and now that he's got the hang of it he's willing to let me do my part.  He likes the prickly feeling of the bristles in his mouth, on his hands, and sometimes even on his body, silly thing.

     His favorite part though is drinking water afterward.  Derek and I always rinse with water and drink a little after brushing our teeth, and Grayson has caught on to this.  So after rinsing his brush and putting it away (while he fusses) we pull out the cup and fill it with water.  As soon as he sees the cup, his anguish about his toothbrush being taken away is gone!  It's all he can do to not steal the cup from us.  Then he leans his had back as far as he can to get a big gulp of water.

     Ahhh, satisfaction.  Then off for bedtime stories!


Ann said…
I'll bet Grammy is so proud of the little tooth brusher! And what a smart mom with the distraction techniques that keep the peace!
Terri said…
YES, I am!!! What a good little tooth brusher he is!!!

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