Well I'm really feeling like a bum, and I'm finding it hard to take things slow. I'm not allowed to push or pull anything including a broom, mop or vacuum. So keeping house is pretty non-existent. Luckily Grandma Debbie is happy to help out. Grayson is always very interested in the vacuum, you can't see but she's vacuuming under the table, and Grayson just ran across the room to watch very closely.

So a summary, I'm still moving slow but at least I'm moving. And on a good note, Grayson is having a great time with all the visitors! He is such a ham, and just loves the attention. We are really looking forward to our trip home. I'm still working out our schedule of when and where we will be during the trip.
Last week I was a total zombie, and didn't get to post pictures of my parents time here. I'm feeling a little better (when I don't push myself) so here are some pics.
Hope you all are having a wonderful week!
Jacque Hoover