So...we finally found a bike that is just about Grayson's size. The best part...it was FREE! We've been looking around for a bike that he will grow into soon but haven't really been able to find one we like, so when we stumbled upon this little "Red Rider" bike we snatched it up!
Last night was the first night we were able to pull it out, and boy did Grayson have a blast! We went just down the street by the neighborhood park and let him enjoy this new toy. The bike has been in the back of my car for about 2 days now, and every time we get in to run an errand he says "bike" in a sad and very pathetic voice. So he has been looking forward to it's maiden voyage almost as much as Derek and I.
He had fun riding it, but it was a little hard to keep him on, he thought it was more interesting to push it, or run while holding the handle. When we could keep him on the bike, he enjoyed being pushed around, which is a little difficult to do so low to the ground so we devised a plan...
We whipped out Lola's leash and hooked it to the bike handles which made it about a million times easier to pull him. He thought this was grand.
It was also pretty amusing when Daddy tried to ride it.
Even bikes that are a little to big make for a very fun evening! I love the simple things!