Such a Lovely Weekend, Except for the Goose!
Well, in case you were wondering about that pumpkin chocolate chip muffin recipe I mentioned in a recent turned out fantastic! I even reduced the amount of oil, using 1/2 cup oil, and 1 1/2 cups of my homemade applesauce (from last summer). I also only used 1 cup sugar instead of 2. They turned out great and according to Derek, "I need to make these more often." That's a hubby isn't always very vocal about when I try new recipes, so that means he really likes them! The only thing I think I will change is using less of the chocolate chips, they just made it a little too sweet for a breakfast to me.
Other than that we had an awesome weekend! We headed down to the duck pond on Friday when Daddy got home, and Grayson loved feeding the ducks. Although this activity was cut short when an aggressive and hissing goose headed our way. I was not thrilled by this gooses attempt to intimidate us with his rude hissing, so I proceeded to throw small pebbles at him. I'll admit this was not the most grown up response, but I couldn't stand the thought of him attacking Grayson! So, maybe we will manage to get pictures next time. Other than this inconsiderate fowl we had a great time, and Grayson has a whole new understanding of "quack."
I have been wanting to get Grayson a new balloon, as he hasn't had one in quite awhile and he loves pictures of them in all his books. So we headed out to the Dollar Tree where we picked up the perfect balloon! Walking in the store we pointed out all the balloons, Grayson didn't even look at them all because he saw the "ELMO" one! So needless to say, he picked it out and we headed to a few garage sales before heading home. The balloon kept him mostly entertained while we were out, and is still his favorite item in the house (for the time being). While out garage "sailing" we found a good deal on a couple of old cabinet faces. We have decided that we're going to incorporate them in some of the furniture Derek will be making in the coming months. YAY!
Sunday was not nearly as eventful, we went to church, and then relaxed most of the day. Though there was a little cleaning and cooking to prepare for the week. Not nearly as much cleaning as I intended.

Then on Tuesday Grayson had a bit of a run in with the bottom of the stairs Grayson turned around to see if Lola was coming, of course at the same time that Lola decided to jump the gate. To say the least, the collided and Grayson lost. He ended up with a swollen eye and just a red mark at first, but that developed into a small bruise on Wednesday. So my son had his first black eye. Obviously my plans of playdough, bubbles, and the park were put on hold to watch Elmo and hold on an ice pack in 2 second spurts.
Lola totally knew she was in trouble so she hid behind the couch and wouldn't come out.
Other than that we had an awesome weekend! We headed down to the duck pond on Friday when Daddy got home, and Grayson loved feeding the ducks. Although this activity was cut short when an aggressive and hissing goose headed our way. I was not thrilled by this gooses attempt to intimidate us with his rude hissing, so I proceeded to throw small pebbles at him. I'll admit this was not the most grown up response, but I couldn't stand the thought of him attacking Grayson! So, maybe we will manage to get pictures next time. Other than this inconsiderate fowl we had a great time, and Grayson has a whole new understanding of "quack."
Sunday was not nearly as eventful, we went to church, and then relaxed most of the day. Though there was a little cleaning and cooking to prepare for the week. Not nearly as much cleaning as I intended.
Giving Elmo a kiss |
Then on Tuesday Grayson had a bit of a run in with the bottom of the stairs Grayson turned around to see if Lola was coming, of course at the same time that Lola decided to jump the gate. To say the least, the collided and Grayson lost. He ended up with a swollen eye and just a red mark at first, but that developed into a small bruise on Wednesday. So my son had his first black eye. Obviously my plans of playdough, bubbles, and the park were put on hold to watch Elmo and hold on an ice pack in 2 second spurts.