Strawberry Booty

     I scored 7 pounds of strawberries at the store yesterday for a whopping $7!  I figured that was a steal I couldn't pass up!

     I started out by washing them all in a large pot that was 10 cups water and 1 cup vinegar, which I found out about here.  This method removes all mold spores or other bacteria on the surface and helps them to stay fresh longer (up to two weeks).  I didn't particularly care for the idea of vinegar berries though, so I rinsed them again in water, then sliced off all the tops and froze.  Well I froze most I should say, I kept enough for Grayson to eat over the next week or so.

     Of course I turned around in the midst of my washing and chopping to find this bare-bottom boy climbing Elmo.  As I previously mentioned...we have been "airing him out" because of a recent diaper rash he broke out with, but I couldn't resist taking a picture.

     I'm planning to make some delicious popsicles for us to enjoy throughout the summer!  This looks like one recipe I will be trying.


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