A Little Behind
I wish I could say that I am gracefully adjusting to having two little monkey's, but that is not the case. While it's a blast and totally fun, it is way more work. It's not like the work and time required have doubled...it's like they grew exponentially! I just can't find enough time in the day to get stuff done, thus the blogging has taken a back seat (sorry to all the family fanatics!)
I have decided that being a mom makes you dirty: When I first had Grayson there were a few days where I completely forgot to shower...can you say gross! And now with Riley, I realized the other day that I forgot deodorant. See, being a mom makes you dirty! I probably shouldn't admit these things, but they are the smelly truth!
On to updates on the boys! (I got to say "boys," and I like the way that sounds!)

Riley is 1 month old, and at his last appointment weighed 8 lb, 15 oz. That was nearly 2 weeks ago, so he should be over 10 lbs. Several of those adorable newborn outfits have already been retired, and he is moving in to the next size...crazy! I can't believe how fast he is growing! I feel like the time is already slipping away, I really need to soak it all in!
Grayson on the other hand is a complete social bug! He loves all the attention he is getting having family visiting so much! He has been making 4 word sentences for awhile now, but Wednesday I heard his first 5 word sentence, "Lola, no go on blanket." We are trying to keep her from getting hair on Riley's floor mats (unsuccessful so far). He certainly likes to scold Lola, which is quite cute. He is however in his terrible two's and likes hitting and throwing a bit too much for my liking, especially since there is a little one in the house!
I'm pretty sure this kiss can be considered smothering! This big brother just can't get enough, he is so wonderful! Life is good, and we are soaking up this family time!
I have decided that being a mom makes you dirty: When I first had Grayson there were a few days where I completely forgot to shower...can you say gross! And now with Riley, I realized the other day that I forgot deodorant. See, being a mom makes you dirty! I probably shouldn't admit these things, but they are the smelly truth!
On to updates on the boys! (I got to say "boys," and I like the way that sounds!)
Riley is 1 month old, and at his last appointment weighed 8 lb, 15 oz. That was nearly 2 weeks ago, so he should be over 10 lbs. Several of those adorable newborn outfits have already been retired, and he is moving in to the next size...crazy! I can't believe how fast he is growing! I feel like the time is already slipping away, I really need to soak it all in!
Grayson on the other hand is a complete social bug! He loves all the attention he is getting having family visiting so much! He has been making 4 word sentences for awhile now, but Wednesday I heard his first 5 word sentence, "Lola, no go on blanket." We are trying to keep her from getting hair on Riley's floor mats (unsuccessful so far). He certainly likes to scold Lola, which is quite cute. He is however in his terrible two's and likes hitting and throwing a bit too much for my liking, especially since there is a little one in the house!
I'm pretty sure this kiss can be considered smothering! This big brother just can't get enough, he is so wonderful! Life is good, and we are soaking up this family time!