Big Changes Coming

     Well, I've been in denial for quite a while, but it looks like this is going to be our future for the next year.  Derek is headed to South Korea for a year, and getting through the year is going to be quite a feat.  Joining the military you know that time apart is part of the deal.  Sometimes the idea of deployment seems far off, and unrealistic.  Deployments are usually short term, limited to a couple months at a time.  This assignment however, being a full year is very very intimidating!
     I think it would be an easier adjustment for me if he had been on more TDY's, a chance to get used to him being gone...slowly.  I just never want to become "one of those wives" who can't wait for their husbands to leave on a deployment.  I'm very thankful though, this year is going to give us lots of opportunities as a family!  Living in Italy (if the Air Force doesn't flake out on that) is a pretty good trade off!
          We found out about this two weeks after Riley was born (so I was a mess) and have been adapting/preparing since then!  There is still TONS to do, and so much that we still don't know...but the day is coming (sooner than I'd like) so I figured it was time to put it out there.

     So the kids and I will be moving back to San Antonio in about a month, and we are looking forward to lots of time with family and friends!


Anonymous said…
Duffy has been assigned to Italy after he gets back from Korea, for anyone who doesn't know this already. So they both have that to look forward to, and time to learn alittle Italian, too!
We love ya'll and look forward to you and the little ones being here for a year, and a couple short visits with Duffy, too! Stay Strong! HUGS & LOVE!
Anonymous said…
oh, and i love the map!

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