Lago di Barcis
Four day weekends are GREAT! And after a month in the hotel, and a quick move to an apartment off base, it was much needed. We started it off right with a trip to IKEA and some sight seeing along the way. We figured we'd get some ideas for our new house...YES, we got it and move in next Wednesday (can't wait). Handsome Hubs and I were very successful at browsing, and managed to get out without buying the whole store...but won't be so lucky next time after we measure for our shoe rack, and kitchen shelving.
We also learned one very important lesson, that you must know where you're going! It's not safe to just trust Google Maps, especially when toll roads are involved. We managed to take 3 wrong turns and had to exit and re-enter the toll road each stinkin time! I'm pretty sure we paid double what we should have! The roads here are not very forgiving, as they don't have access roads so there is no quick turn-around. We had to delay and drive to the next town each time. By the last time, I was laughing and in tears. Handsome Hubs however, didn't find it nearly as comical.
A nice walk through town is just right to finish the day:
Saturday was filled with walking the town, and haircuts (I'll post those pics in another post). We found a very nice park in the heart of Aviano as I know the kids will wan to go back to.
The boys woke up in a pleasant mood, so we decided to travel to Maniago to see a bike tournment. It wasn't even the actual event, the real tour is this upcoming Saturday. Lunch time rolled around, and we walked several streets in the hopes of finding some lunch, but everywhere was closed for riposo at 11:30. We finally found a bar which was still open and had their ONLY food which was a toasted ham and cheese sandwich. The boys had a blast watching the cyclists, and playing at a park.

Then after nap we headed out to Lago di Barcis (picture above), which is only about a half hour away. The water is unbelievable! It is a clear icy color, and is breath-taking. Along the way we drove through several tunnels driving through the mountain (photo right). The longest tunnel was 4,000 km long, and Grayson got a bit anxious. The sights along the way are just breath taking! We love it!!!
I failed to take any pictures of the boys playing with dump trucks and shovels on the shore, but rest assured it was a fun outing complete with a topless sun-bather. I'm not used to that yet, and don't know that I ever will be...
We had every intention of trying a new church we heard about on Sunday evening, but managed to still be occupied with our adventure. So instead we finished the night with some pizza, and had thoroughly exhausted the kids.

Walking around aimlessly is so fun, and we always find interesting things, like this little amphitheater in the middle of a town. Hoping to find out what kinds of shows or music they will have there this summer.
We also learned one very important lesson, that you must know where you're going! It's not safe to just trust Google Maps, especially when toll roads are involved. We managed to take 3 wrong turns and had to exit and re-enter the toll road each stinkin time! I'm pretty sure we paid double what we should have! The roads here are not very forgiving, as they don't have access roads so there is no quick turn-around. We had to delay and drive to the next town each time. By the last time, I was laughing and in tears. Handsome Hubs however, didn't find it nearly as comical.
A nice walk through town is just right to finish the day:
The boys woke up in a pleasant mood, so we decided to travel to Maniago to see a bike tournment. It wasn't even the actual event, the real tour is this upcoming Saturday. Lunch time rolled around, and we walked several streets in the hopes of finding some lunch, but everywhere was closed for riposo at 11:30. We finally found a bar which was still open and had their ONLY food which was a toasted ham and cheese sandwich. The boys had a blast watching the cyclists, and playing at a park.

Then after nap we headed out to Lago di Barcis (picture above), which is only about a half hour away. The water is unbelievable! It is a clear icy color, and is breath-taking. Along the way we drove through several tunnels driving through the mountain (photo right). The longest tunnel was 4,000 km long, and Grayson got a bit anxious. The sights along the way are just breath taking! We love it!!!
I failed to take any pictures of the boys playing with dump trucks and shovels on the shore, but rest assured it was a fun outing complete with a topless sun-bather. I'm not used to that yet, and don't know that I ever will be...
We had every intention of trying a new church we heard about on Sunday evening, but managed to still be occupied with our adventure. So instead we finished the night with some pizza, and had thoroughly exhausted the kids.

Walking around aimlessly is so fun, and we always find interesting things, like this little amphitheater in the middle of a town. Hoping to find out what kinds of shows or music they will have there this summer.