Extreme Weekend
I promise I will tell you all about our fun weekend adventures, but first let's get real for a minute.
Being cooped up in this apartment has been so stressful, and trying! I have had more "terrible mom" moments than I can count, and I always feel testy. 30 days in a small hotel, followed by 11 more in an apartment (only 3 more to go!!) is really pushing me to the edge! It's a nicely furnished, non-child-proofed apartment...I think that says it all. It is filled with decorative vases, nice lamps, a glass dining table, and if that weren't enough the tv stand, coffee table, and all other cabinetry/storage has a glass top. Every moment I feel torn in two directions, chasing the monster or the goober. It is seriously a miracle that nothing is broken; at least in the hotel I wasn't worried about them shattering glass at every turn. So if we make it till move day I will celebrate!

Now for the fun! We have been going out as much as possible on the weekends for the reason mentioned above. So if it's not raining, we are out seeing the towns, taking walks, or finding a festival. This weekend we went to an Extreme Sports Festival in Sacile (sa-chee-lei). I'm not sure what I enjoyed more, the entertainment or the sights. Grayson's favorite was the Motocross! When he is pretending to be big and strong, he says in a gruff voice "I'm a MOTORcycle man!"
There were stations if you will, where we saw rollerblading, bicycle tricks, tightrope walking, skateboarding, and even parkour.
Please admire the cute "whoa" face of Riley below. He was amazed at all of the events.
And a couple of sweet ones with Grayson. By this point Riley was in a grumpy mood, and ready for bed, so sadly no cute shots of him.
Being cooped up in this apartment has been so stressful, and trying! I have had more "terrible mom" moments than I can count, and I always feel testy. 30 days in a small hotel, followed by 11 more in an apartment (only 3 more to go!!) is really pushing me to the edge! It's a nicely furnished, non-child-proofed apartment...I think that says it all. It is filled with decorative vases, nice lamps, a glass dining table, and if that weren't enough the tv stand, coffee table, and all other cabinetry/storage has a glass top. Every moment I feel torn in two directions, chasing the monster or the goober. It is seriously a miracle that nothing is broken; at least in the hotel I wasn't worried about them shattering glass at every turn. So if we make it till move day I will celebrate!

Now for the fun! We have been going out as much as possible on the weekends for the reason mentioned above. So if it's not raining, we are out seeing the towns, taking walks, or finding a festival. This weekend we went to an Extreme Sports Festival in Sacile (sa-chee-lei). I'm not sure what I enjoyed more, the entertainment or the sights. Grayson's favorite was the Motocross! When he is pretending to be big and strong, he says in a gruff voice "I'm a MOTORcycle man!"
There were stations if you will, where we saw rollerblading, bicycle tricks, tightrope walking, skateboarding, and even parkour.
Please admire the cute "whoa" face of Riley below. He was amazed at all of the events.
Then here are some of the beautiful scenery we admired.
And a couple of sweet ones with Grayson. By this point Riley was in a grumpy mood, and ready for bed, so sadly no cute shots of him.