Italian Beaches
I never wrote about our trip to the beach over July 4th weekend. I didn't get many pictures (camera has finally been replaced), but here goes.
It was breathtaking, and beautiful. The hot sandy beaches were lined with rows of umbrellas and tables, but were set back from the water. Everyone left their purses unattended hanging from the hooks, and splashed carefree in the water. It was like taking a step back into some ways. It was relaxed, and everyone enjoyed the water, there weren't many people who were dry. Adults and kids alike were building with sand, splashing and swimming, and throwing frisbees.
On the other hand, I was the only woman there wearing a one piece...for that matter, I was the only woman not in a bikini! I don't consider myself a total prude, but I like my tankini's at least. Women in their teens through their 80's (no exageration) walked along the water in small bikinis. These were women of all sizes; skinny, heavy, and even some with the same scarred mommy tummy's that I try to hide.
At first I felt silly and out of place being in my one piece suit, and I watched my kiddos play while observing all the other people covering the beach. The more I thought about it, the more I appreciated each and every woman there. I realized that day, that wearing a bikini isn't about looking magazine perfect (because not even the models do that), it isn't about losing another 10 pounds before summer, it isn't about covering the non-flattering areas of your body. It's about confidence. It's about loving who you are. It's about just being who you are. That's who my husband loves, and who my kids love. I am who I am, so who am I trying to fool.
No one else on that beach cared about the wrinkles, about the flab, or about faded tattoos. So why should I? It sounds silly, but if that's the only thing I learn or change while here in Italy, I'm okay with it. I want to gain that kind of self confidence!
I did get a couple quick pictures on my phone. And yes that is Riley eating an entire mouthful of sand! He had interesting diapers the next day. They had so much fun swimming, and playing in the sand!