Christmas in Italy
This Christmas was one of the most defining for us as a family. Being far away from family, pushed us to make our own traditions. It was hard being away from everyone, but at the same time nice to not have an agenda, and just enjoy time the four of us. Derek and I both worked the week of Christmas, through Christmas Eve. This was a little difficult, baking cookies for Santa were kind of last minute. I wished I had been able to do more "Christmas-y" things before that point, but we made up for it.
One of my favorite traditions we incorporated was having books wrapped for each day in December, all relating to Christmas. Then the boys opened them each day, and loved reading the silly ones about Santa, and the deeper one that got us talking about the meaning of Christmas.
Our little hood-lums in their winter hats all ready to help decorate the tree. They weren't interested in putting on lights or the garlands. They were however, very helpful in putting the ornaments. So all the breakable ones are high on the tree, and the others were in clumps along the bottom couple feet of the tree. I love the homey feel.
We had a blast baking up gingerbread cookies, and the boys each decorated their own. I put on the icing, which with Riley was simple. He was thirlled that his cookie had hair, but Grayson on the other hand was very specific about needing fingers and shoes. I tried to accommodate, although I am no cookie decorator.
Christmas Eve, the boys opened a package from Derek and I with new jammies and a Christmas movie. Watching the movie together while snuggling on the couch in PJ's was the perfect way to end the night after our church's Christmas Eve service, and a friend's birthday dinner.

When we all woke up on Christmas Morning (I was very thankful that they boys waited until after 6am) we headed to the living room. All of the presents under the tree were a shock, and the boys couldn't wait to get their hands on them. We convinced them to slow down long enough to pass them all out and make piles.
These two sweet munchkins wore these cute Christmas hats while they found presents. Grayson was very proud to recognize the letters in each of our names and putting them in the correct piles. He even helped Riley by pointing out the names and telling him who to take them to. It was very sweet, and we had little to no fighting, phew.
The boys spent nearly 2 hours opening gifts, and tearing out toys. Despite all the fun, and all the new presents, after a couple hours of playing a sheet of bubbles won out. We looked over to see Riley content just popping the bubbles one by one. Of course that was our next can't only pop a few. Life really never gets old around here, and we love it!
Hoping that you and your families had a blessed Christmas. Praying that you all felt love, and enjoyed laughter. Now on to our next adventure...
One of my favorite traditions we incorporated was having books wrapped for each day in December, all relating to Christmas. Then the boys opened them each day, and loved reading the silly ones about Santa, and the deeper one that got us talking about the meaning of Christmas.
Our little hood-lums in their winter hats all ready to help decorate the tree. They weren't interested in putting on lights or the garlands. They were however, very helpful in putting the ornaments. So all the breakable ones are high on the tree, and the others were in clumps along the bottom couple feet of the tree. I love the homey feel.
We had a blast baking up gingerbread cookies, and the boys each decorated their own. I put on the icing, which with Riley was simple. He was thirlled that his cookie had hair, but Grayson on the other hand was very specific about needing fingers and shoes. I tried to accommodate, although I am no cookie decorator.
Placing Christmas sprinkles on all the icing was their favorite part.
As you can see Riley decorated his, then removed them to eat the majority.
We decided to show off their first bites, hehe. Grayson was a bit morbid and took his bite out of poor Gingy's head before he preceded to systematically eat one bite of each appendage. This will be a tradition we keep for sure! We all had a blast!Christmas Eve, the boys opened a package from Derek and I with new jammies and a Christmas movie. Watching the movie together while snuggling on the couch in PJ's was the perfect way to end the night after our church's Christmas Eve service, and a friend's birthday dinner.
When we all woke up on Christmas Morning (I was very thankful that they boys waited until after 6am) we headed to the living room. All of the presents under the tree were a shock, and the boys couldn't wait to get their hands on them. We convinced them to slow down long enough to pass them all out and make piles.
These two sweet munchkins wore these cute Christmas hats while they found presents. Grayson was very proud to recognize the letters in each of our names and putting them in the correct piles. He even helped Riley by pointing out the names and telling him who to take them to. It was very sweet, and we had little to no fighting, phew.
The boys spent nearly 2 hours opening gifts, and tearing out toys. Despite all the fun, and all the new presents, after a couple hours of playing a sheet of bubbles won out. We looked over to see Riley content just popping the bubbles one by one. Of course that was our next can't only pop a few. Life really never gets old around here, and we love it!
Hoping that you and your families had a blessed Christmas. Praying that you all felt love, and enjoyed laughter. Now on to our next adventure...