So Many Updates, So Little Time
Grammy's visit was a blast! She came back in late March, but we just had too much fun to skip over pictures.
She hopped off the plane, and a day later we were Austria bound. Despite the jet lag and two crazy kids, we took off just in time for the boys to nap in the car after lunch. Perfect timing me thinks.
Our day trip to Salzburg was a fun little adventure. One where you simply stop at random places to take pictures. The boys were such troopers with all the walking, and weaving down narrow streets and through passageways between buildings.
We stopped for a delicious lunch in a random square. Yes...I'm fully aware that my mom will likely kill me for posting this picture, but that's when living half a world away comes in handy. Outside the courtyard there were some fancy cows that we stopped to pose with as well.
Being the choir nerd I am, I loved stopping in this cathedral. I remember my high school choir teacher talking about the rare acoustics, and the stories in music theory about Mozart being the first to utilize all the various balconies for his choir pieces.
History in action.
They have such beautiful architecture! I believe this is just a drain...and somehow they doll it all up so it's even worth taking a picture, but I wouldn't want to fall in. It's a giant gaping hole!
I made my mom pose for lots of random pictures simply because it's too nice not to pass up...and how often do you get to visit your daughter in Italy, right?
Pictured above is the castle as we entered. It was so majestic, and the stones look as though they've weathered so many years. Once inside there were museums, various cannons, and a whole hopping little town. I was amazed by how many individual homes you could see. It really looked more like an entire town that I had imagined.
The boys enjoyed playing around in the square while we took turns shopping, and checking out the various sights.
On our walk back Grayson (who is not a big fan of having his picture taken) decided to start taking pictures of me back. I think he will make a fine camera man one day.
The elevators are quite small!
Don't let the mirror in the back fool you.
It's quite a tight fit for the five of us!
And this little gem, is an exit sign from the parking garage we used. I hate to admit that we giggled a little too much at this. But hey, you gotta appreciate the little things in life.