I'm a Whaaa?

...Kinder Parent.  That's right, my older son has officially entered the school age.  I can't believe this little guy is a big kid and in Kinder.
(I'm officially ashamed that I haven't posted this since September!!! never pushed publish)

     He makes me so proud, and I am so thankful that I get to pour into this little guy.  I pray that I'm the best Momma for him that I can possibly be.  I couldn't say enough wonderful things about this young man.

     Tuesday was his first day, and he rode the bus to school.  After seeing him off, I quickly wiped away the tears and hopped into my car to beat the bus to the school.  It's tradition that most parents go in to the school and help the kids get settled on their first day, and I surely couldn't miss out on that!  The hubs came too, and we had such a nice morning.
     Having two kiddos sometimes it's hard to find the time to focus on just one, so we decided it would be better if the littler man went ahead to the CDC, so we could have some special time with just Grayson.


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