Shifting Gears
The direction of my blog is shifting a bit. I've decided I want to write and give testament to all that we've gone through with Crohn's disease. My world spun out of control for a while there, and we have finally gotten a grip on things. But just when it seems predictable, buckle up because there's a curveball coming. I may still blog a bit about our past several years, our Crohn's journey, parenting, hiking, home updates (as they come), and maybe even share some of our favorite travels.
I just wanted to hop on and explain that I want to put the road we have traveled down on "paper." I hope that someone out there who needs to hear this may find it and be able to identify with their own children's struggles.
Our kids face all kinds of challenges. Asthma, crohn's disease, autism, blindness, needing a G-tube, and worst of all the curse of quirkiness. It's hard to be different or not fit in. But, as we are constantly learning, not fitting the mold makes life beautiful.
So, welcome...again to this random hodge podge of a blog.