Hmmm...I could get used to this!

     While adjusting to my time away from Grayson is tough (to say the least) I have found one good thing!  I'm not cleaning, re-cleaning, and straightening up the house as this little monster runs around tearing it all apart over and over throughout the day.  Instead, the house stays relatively clean regardless of if I clean that day or not!  Who knew?!?  I had no idea that this would be an extra little perk of working outside the home.  So I don't feel quite as much like it's a loosing battle!
     Mind you, as I get used to working I will at some point have to clean again (haha) and I may feel differently at that point.  But for now, I'm thinking I could get used to this arrangement.  It doesn't hurt that I adore my friend who is watching him right now, so I know that he is in good hands while I'm at work.

     Once we got home from our visit to see family and friends I said that my #1 goal was to get my house spotless, and in tip-top shape!  I'm sorry to say that I didn't quite reach that goal, as if it's even possible!  But I did get close, just didn't finish my never-ending list of to-do's.  I'm sure that every mother feels at some point (or all the time) that she isn't doing enough, and isn't good enough.  Well I've just about gotten over that, because there will always be TONS more that you could do, and about a million things that you could do even better.  At some point I started to realize that those expectations I was putting on myself were only perceived by me.
     One night in particular stands out, as I literally broke down about how the house wasn't perfect, and I wasn't saving enough money (with my craftiness such as making laundry soap and couponing) to stay home.  He just got mad because he didn't understand why I was feeling useless.  Of course I was hurt by his frustration...just goes to show you the differences between men and women.  But once we got to talking I realized that he was mad simply because he wasn't viewing my time at home that way at all!

     The moral of the don't take life too seriously.


Ann said…
You are really young to have already deciphered that major life lesson. Some people never do! Thanks for sharing so eloquently.
Love, Ann
Grandma Debbie said…
Yes, there are more important things in life than having a spotless house (especially with a small child) and no one thinks any less of you. So, no worries - ok?

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