Farewell Texas, Hello Italy!

     It is unreal that we are in Italy.  We've been preparing to leave, and packing, and thinking and planning for so long.  Now we are finally here and it doesn't seem real.  Somehow a whole year snuck by, and I keep thinking of the people I wish I had met up with while I was home.  All the extra time that I should have spent with close friends, and a few extra out of town trips I could have made to visit family.  It just doesn't seem possible that I live across an ocean, and now everyone gets to visit me.  I love you all!!!

     That being said, I want to give you a peek into our possible new home.  We still have to wait to hear about the housing inspection, and I'm hoping they will agree to put in window screens.  We have been here 12 days already, and have seen several houses (some by appointment, and tons driving around to look), but this house by far takes the cake!  It is beautiful, spacious (which is hard to come by), and has such Italian charm and character.

If you'd like to see more pictures of our adventures, you can follow this LINK.  Now for the house:

This is the master bedroom.  The glass door which is open in the pic leads out to a narrow balcony.

This will be the boys room, and will be getting a fresh coat of paint.  The nook is where Riley's crib will go.
 Also the boys room, but from this angle you can see the cool bunk beads, which they are letting us use.  We will take off the ladder until the boys are old enough to go up top.  They also have some great cabinets attached for the kids clothes.

View of the garden from the boys bedroom.  Their door also opens out onto a balcony that connects to the play room.

And here is the play room, currently a guest room.  It will soon be over-run with toys...if all goes well.
 Playroom door to outside balcony.

 The upstairs bathroom.  This is super nuetral for an Italian house!!!  It has a shower only, also typical here.

This is the hallway.  Immediately to the right (not pictured) leads to the livingroom, then the first left dor is the playroom, the second is the boys room, and the one at the end of the hall is the master.  Picture is taken from the bathroom.

Finally the living room, also very large for an Italian house.  The furniture will be cleared out though.

And here is the kitchen.  It is small by american standards, but significantly larger than most we've seen.  The refrigerator is a smaller version, and the freezer too.  They are about 6-10 inches shorter, but much narrower.  Now this is gonna sound silly, but one thing that has stood out to us is that all the houses have a dish draining rack, but not where you would expect.  It is part of the upper cabinet, and in this house is the top left cabinet.

These are the stairs leading up to all of the previous pictures from the garage.  But the major bonus is coming up...

Our visitors quarters!!!  The first picture will be set us as the guest bedroom, but will also serve as a game room for Derek.
This is the extra kitchen.  It is pretty narrow, but is self sufficient.  It's great because this way all our visitors can have a break from being smothered by the boys, lol.

 Another bonus, is the tavern.  It's where they used to bottle their wine, make homemade tomato sauce, and store the alcohol.  Derek loves it!

Here is the outdoor space, which has a large covered and gated garden in the back, and a narrow garden running along each side.  Also includes an Italian BBQ (not sure what the real name for that is) which has a rotisserie motor.
 Another bonus room that is part of the garage.  It has tons of space, a very long picnic table, and the laundry room is down here along with an extra bathroom.  I think this is my favorite area, the outside area, and garage.

 Just take a closer look at the flooring.  It's awesome!!!!!

     So, hope you've enjoyed seeing the possible house as much as we do!  It's about 10 minutes away from base, and we're basically in love.  I will get to try my hand at gardening.  Maybe I will be able to get some tips from neighbors...that is if I can figure out what and how to ask.
Love from Italy!


Ann said…
Look awesome! Wish you GOOD LUCK with the "inspection"!!!
Anonymous said…
Wow! Beautiful! Love, Grandpa and Margaret.
Debbie K said…
It looks so quaint!!!! I love love the tavern area and then the screened in bonus room. Looks like you will have much more room in this house than expected. I'm praying that all goes through with this for y'all!!! Keep us posted!!!
Momma Hoot said…
Just an update, we move in Wednesday of this week!!! Yahoo! All went well, they are painting colors of our choice, and put in screens in most of the windows upstairs. It will be great to finally have our stuff, and settle in! Thanks everyone!

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