School...Saving Kids From a Life of Thievery

Some days are glorious, and the boys just soak it all in.  Science, history, reading...all of it!

Then some days are like today.  We started off the morning with a sassy argument about how a certain someone has "quit school" before and is quitting again today.  Grayson is referring of course to our decision to withdraw him from public school and begin our homeschooling adventure.
     This interesting conversation led to his decision that he will just grow up to become a thief so he doesn't have to learn any skills and therefore has no need for school.  I, of course, informed him that learning is a privilege, and all about countries that lack education and some of the pitfalls that can lead to (this was a very educational conversation, good stuff).  He decided he isn't there.
     Ladies and gentlemen, I am here to tell you that I am not to be outdone.  So I launched into a thorough explanation of how this lifestyle choice would likely land him in juvenile detention, and ultimately jail.  In the meantime, however, juvenile detention still has an education program so if he truly put his mind to thievery he would still wind up in school...but surrounded with a very different peer group.

     Then our day proceeded as usual.  Homeschooling is not for the faint of heart!


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